Gap Year
Study Abroad |
Are you being bombarded by friends, family, even strangers, asking you what your major will be in college? Do you get stressed out when you try to think about what to do with the rest of your life? Maybe a gap year is for you. Here are a couple websites for you to check out that will help you process your options (and there are some amazing opportunities throughout the world!!!).
Not sure what you want to do - these sites can help get you started OTHERS |
Studying abroad during high school allows you to earn credits while abroad.
The article The Benefits of Study Abroad provides evidence that through study abroad, students can gain a better understanding of themselves and of their culture. They gain unparalleled and life-long perspectives regarding the positive and negative nature of their own culture, and multicultural interactions become smoother and more natural. It has been shown that 96% have increased self-confidence, 97% feel more mature and 98% understand their own values more clearly. Further exploration of study abroad programs can be found in the following websites: Study Abroad provides a directory of study abroad programs, as well as articles and tips preparation for studying in another country. Abbey Road - summer study abroad program for high school students American Field Service is an educational organization dedicated to providing enriched learning experiences that promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and communication. The vast majority of AFS participants take part in high school-based exchange programs, which give students from all over the world the chance to fully immerse themselves in a new culture. They offer programs lengths that vary from 2 weeks to the full school year. Oxford Study Courses features recap and preparation (a.k.a., revision) courses for students preparing for their IB exams. These courses are now also available online. New courses are offered for students preparing for their first year of diploma candidacy. OSC hosts courses at Oxford University, Sydney and Melbourne Universities, and Dulwich College Shanghai. The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) is committed to quality international educational travel and exchange for youth at the high school level. |